Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Greetings blogosphere!
My name is Zach and this is my introductory blog. I figured the best way to describe myself was to
compile a list of things I like/support and a list of things I do not like/support. Enjoy!

Things I like
1. Hannah
2. When people introduce me to new music and vice versa
3. Love Does by Bob Goff
4. Smiles from strangers
5. When you wake up naturally before your alarm goes off
6. Picnics
7. Gus’s delivery
8. When a ton of birds fly together and the flock looks like a wave in the sky.
9. Baths
10. Playing basketball with friends

Things I do not like
1. Bono
2. Stress from planning
3. When people…….really…..slow….
4. Krystal fast food
5. That feeling when you get sleepy and your eyes feel heavy
6. Simply the idea of The Fast and the Furious movies
7. Hat hair
8. Unnecessary sweating
9. Lag-Deaths in Fortnite
10. The feeling I felt after watching the movie “Half Nelson” starring Ryan Gosling

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